September is a special month for me, come September I have birthdays, my anniversary to the love of my life, back to school for my oldest, and my birthday.
This September will not be the same, I will have to go it alone. Back to school shopping with my oldest and I. Taking him to school without his daddy there. My heart is sad. I will be turning30 (or maybe I will turn 29 again.) on the 23rd of this month. My baby will be 4 on the 30th.
I always imagined that my 30th would be the best year ever!
This could be applied to many things. I wanted to celebrate my 30th with my love beside me. However I thought I would be celebrating what would have been my 5th anniversary last Friday as well with him. I do have to brag on my friends though, they totally lifted me up and hung out with me to keep my mind off of the fact that it was my anniversary. What more could one ask for? There were lots of laughs, and calories consumed...calories don't count when you are with your friends and having a good time right? Love you Steph and Bonnie. You are real and keep me grounded, but know exactly what to say to make me laugh and help me forget about my messy life.
I am strong, and when life has knocked me down to my knees I continue to stand up.
I think that is what matters most in life. How many times you get back up no matter how hard life knocks you down.

This September will not be the same, I will have to go it alone. Back to school shopping with my oldest and I. Taking him to school without his daddy there. My heart is sad. I will be turning
I always imagined that my 30th would be the best year ever!
This could be applied to many things. I wanted to celebrate my 30th with my love beside me. However I thought I would be celebrating what would have been my 5th anniversary last Friday as well with him. I do have to brag on my friends though, they totally lifted me up and hung out with me to keep my mind off of the fact that it was my anniversary. What more could one ask for? There were lots of laughs, and calories consumed...calories don't count when you are with your friends and having a good time right? Love you Steph and Bonnie. You are real and keep me grounded, but know exactly what to say to make me laugh and help me forget about my messy life.
I am strong, and when life has knocked me down to my knees I continue to stand up.
I think that is what matters most in life. How many times you get back up no matter how hard life knocks you down.
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