Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Snack Attack and Paleo Lifestyle.

I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day to keep my metabolism going throughout the day. So when I found this new snack I was a tiny bit excited (HUGE understatement...lol).LOVE LOVE LOVE!! They totes sell it at target in the big bag and individual bags. SCORE!! It only has 3 ingredients, its whole grain, vegan, cholesterol free, the list goes on and on. 

Also have been adopting the paleo diet into my lifestyle. I had some blood work done, and I have a lot of inflammation in my body. My trainer said I need to cut out sugar, dairy and wheat, all of which causes inflammation and the paleo diet doesn't include any of these.

I tried a new recipe last night, and it was awesome! Perfect after workout dinner, tons of protein. Check out the recipe here. 

(pic compliments of the above website.)

Short post, but a good one! Go follow me on Pinterest and hit up my healthy food board! 



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